
Take a deep dive into your shadow self, the often shunned aspect of our psyche. Left ignored, the unacknowledged Shadow can keep us feeling triggered constantly, suffering from low self worth, massively insecure, stuck in cycles of self sabotage, going from one toxic relationship to the next & many more unfavourable situations!  

Shadow Work helps us figure out WHY these situations keep happening so we can take steps to end these cycles & move towards healthier alternatives

4 hour video course broken down into easy to digest modules.

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Coming Soon!

6 week somatic healing course

I am currently working on a new trauma informed course designed to help us cultivate a deep sense of inner peace. 

This course will cover topics such as ending people pleasing, establishing boundaries, anger integration, cultivating safety in our bodies, creating authentic connection to ourselves & others, the courage to be rejected & disliked, nervous system regulation & more <3

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