No matter what you’ve experienced, it is possible to cultivate safety in your body, despite how it has been treated. 

 ꩜guiding you through the portal to create a safe space within yourself꩜

somatics & the nervous system


Up to 95% of our thoughts, decisions, and behaviours are driven by our subconscious mind. This means that most of what we do, think, feel, how to perceive ourselves & others operates beneath the surface of our conscious awareness, guided by deeply ingrained patterns, beliefs & our past experiences. The subconscious mind is deeply linked to our nervous system. 

Our nervous system is constantly processing information, including our past experiences, trying to keep us safe. Over time, if we experience trauma or chronic stress, our nervous system can become dysregulated & we end up operating from response states such as fight, fight, freeze, fawn. Our bodies can get stuck in these responses & over time they even become familiar. We could end up living in autopilot, cycling through the same patterns of thought & behaviours, having emotional reactions & triggers that arise automatically & feel out of our control.

Somatic therapy & shadow work aim to bring these unconscious processes into conscious awareness, into the light, helping us understand, with nothing but compassion & curiosity, why we are the way we are. 

Through our work together it is possible to build regulation, self compassion, create a sense of safety within the body, we can start making more intentional choices, rather than being driven by automatic responses. It is possible to expand our capacity for nuance & move away from black&white thinking.

From this balanced & regulated state, we can start working on what you want for your future, who you want to be, what you what to achieve & receive, your deepest desires, how you want to show up for yourself, your community.

work with me

my story


After my exceptionally challenging teenage years, I found myself pregnant at 20. My pregnancy was the turning point in my life & was the beginning of a decade studying & exploring the healing & wellness space. 

 Over the last decade, despite my devotion & commitment to my healing, I still found myself dipping in & out of old familiar cycles, ending up in damaging situations with men, feeling worthless, no self confidence, people pleasing, catastrophising, anxiety, unable to trust myself let alone anyone else, hating my body, never feeling safe & constantly feeling like I was failing at everything especially motherhood. I spent my life trying to ignore these feelings & keep them locked away in the fear that everyone would discover the truth of my inadequacies as an human. Pushing these issues away did nothing to eradicate them. They just intensified.

After years of trying to force myself to be happy, hours of daily yoga practise, repeating affirmations that I didn't believe & trying to 'fake it til you make it' I knew I had to go deeper.  So began my journey into shadow work & somatic therapy. I finally started to understand the depts of my pain, I was able to sit with it, look it in the eye & not slap a positive vibe affirmation over deep wounds that clearly needed a lot more attention than that.

Through intentional effort, deep desire to heal, a lot of studying & practise, I feel safe in myself. I don’t seek safety or validation externally & my life is genuinely so peaceful. I am no longer a slave to my past & for the first time in my life I am in a truly healthy & happy relationship. All of this seemed impossible to achieve for the majority of my life but the effort to heal was so worth it. 

I study & am certified in somatics, extensive yoga & meditation training, kundalini, tantra, reiki, trauma informed somatic therapy & spirituality coaching. 

I live in the mountains of Wicklow, Ireland with my son.


♡ work with me ♡

Unearth - Shadow Work Course

Dive into your shadow self & learn how to end toxic patterns, work on our triggers & projections, learn how to integrate our shadow self with this self paced course.

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One to One Sessions

Work closely with me. Together we can customise a plan for you & only you, that we can adjust as your needs may change.

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Free Somatic Guides & Classes

Created with love, from me to you xx

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